
UtreexoNode is the top-level type in Floresta, responsible for managing P2P connections, receiving network data, and broadcasting transactions. All its logic is found at the floresta-wire crate.

Blocks fetched by UtreexoNode are passed to a blockchain backend for validation and state tracking. This backend is represented by a generic Chain type. Additionally, UtreexoNode relies on a separate generic Context type to provide context-specific behavior.

Figure 1: Diagram of the UtreexoNode type.

Below is the actual type definition, which is a struct with two fields and trait bounds for the Chain backend.

Filename: floresta-wire/src/p2p_wire/node.rs

// Path: floresta-wire/src/p2p_wire/node.rs

pub struct UtreexoNode<Chain: BlockchainInterface + UpdatableChainstate, Context> {
    pub(crate) common: NodeCommon<Chain>,
    pub(crate) context: Context,

The Chain backend must implement two key traits:

  • UpdatableChainstate: Provides methods to update the state of the blockchain backend.
  • BlockchainInterface: Defines the interface for interacting with other components, such as the UtreexoNode.

Both traits are located in the floresta-chain library crate, in src/pruned_utreexo/mod.rs.

In the next section, we will explore the required API for these traits.