- Introduction
- 1. Project Overview
- 1.1. UtreexoNode
- 1.2. Chain Backend API
- 2. Using ChainState as Chain Backend
- 2.1. The ChainStore Trait
- 2.2. BestChain and DiskBlockHeader
- 2.3. Building the ChainState
- 2.4. Initializing ChainStateInner
- 3. State Transition and Validation
- 3.1. Accepting Headers
- 3.2. Reorging the Chain
- 3.3. Connecting Blocks
- 3.4. Block Validation
- 4. Consensus and bitcoinconsensus
- 4.1. Transaction Validation
- 4.2. Utreexo Validation
- 5. Advanced Chain Validation Methods
- 5.1. Using PartialChainState as Chain Backend
- 6. UtreexoNode In-Depth
- 6.1. Node Contexts
- 6.2. UtreexoNode Config and Builder
- 6.3. Opening Connections
- 6.4. Address Manager
- 7. Peer-to-Peer Networking
- 7.1. Reading and Writing Messages
- 7.2. Handling Peer Messages