1. Introduction
  2. Project Overview
    1. UtreexoNode
    2. Chain Backend API
  3. Using ChainState as Chain Backend
    1. The ChainStore Trait
    2. BestChain and DiskBlockHeader
    3. Building the ChainState
    4. Initializing ChainStateInner
  4. State Transition and Validation
    1. Accepting Headers
    2. Reorging the Chain
    3. Connecting Blocks
    4. Block Validation
  5. Consensus and bitcoinconsensus
    1. Transaction Validation
    2. Utreexo Validation
  6. Advanced Chain Validation Methods
    1. Using PartialChainState as Chain Backend
  7. UtreexoNode In-Depth
    1. Node Contexts
    2. UtreexoNode Config and Builder
    3. Opening Connections
    4. Address Manager
  8. Peer-to-Peer Networking
    1. Reading and Writing Messages
    2. Handling Peer Messages