Node Contexts

A Bitcoin client goes through different phases during its lifetime, each with distinct responsibilities and requirements. To manage these phases, Floresta uses node contexts, which encapsulate the specific logic and behavior needed for each phase.

Instead of creating a monolithic UtreexoNode struct with all possible logic and conditional branches, the design separates shared functionality and phase-specific logic. The base UtreexoNode struct handles common features, while contexts, passed as generic parameters implementing the NodeContext trait, handle the specific behavior for each phase. This modular design simplifies the codebase and makes it more maintainable.

Default Floresta Contexts

The three node contexts in Floresta are:

  1. ChainSelector: This context identifies the best proof-of-work (PoW) chain by downloading and evaluating multiple candidates. It quickly determines the chain with the highest PoW, as further client operations depend on this selection.

  2. SyncNode: Responsible for downloading and verifying all blocks in the selected chain, this context ensures the chain's validity. Although it is computationally expensive and time-consuming, it guarantees that the chain is fully validated.

  3. RunningNode: The primary context during normal operation, it starts after ChainSelector finishes. This context processes new blocks (even if SyncNode is still running) and handles user requests.

The only NodeContext implementation that is part of the public API of floresta-wire is the RunningNode. You can check the exported modules in the

Filename: floresta-wire/src/

// Path: floresta-wire/src/

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
mod p2p_wire;

use bitcoin::block::Header as BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::Block;
use bitcoin::Transaction;

// Module re-exports
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::address_man;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::mempool;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::node;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::node_context;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::node_interface;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use p2p_wire::running_node;
// Re-export of the configuration struct
pub use p2p_wire::UtreexoNodeConfig;

However, RunningNode will automatically and internally switch to the other two contexts when the UtreexoNode is created, and then switch back. Hence, the RunningNode context is the default and high-level context that runs in florestad.

The NodeContext Trait

The following is the NodeContext trait definition, which holds many useful node constants and provides one method. Click see more in the snippet if you would like to see all the comments for each const.

Filename: p2p_wire/

// Path: floresta-wire/src/p2p_wire/

use bitcoin::p2p::ServiceFlags;

pub trait NodeContext {
    const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: u64;
    /// Max number of simultaneous connections we initiates we are willing to hold
    const MAX_OUTGOING_PEERS: usize = 10;
    /// We ask for peers every ASK_FOR_PEERS_INTERVAL seconds
    const ASK_FOR_PEERS_INTERVAL: u64 = 60 * 60; // One hour
    /// Save our database of peers every PEER_DB_DUMP_INTERVAL seconds
    const PEER_DB_DUMP_INTERVAL: u64 = 30; // 30 seconds
    /// Attempt to open a new connection (if needed) every TRY_NEW_CONNECTION seconds
    const TRY_NEW_CONNECTION: u64 = 10; // 10 seconds
    /// If ASSUME_STALE seconds passed since our last tip update, treat it as stale
    const ASSUME_STALE: u64 = 15 * 60; // 15 minutes
    /// While on IBD, if we've been without blocks for this long, ask for headers again
    const IBD_REQUEST_BLOCKS_AGAIN: u64 = 30; // 30 seconds
    /// How often we broadcast transactions
    const BROADCAST_DELAY: u64 = 30; // 30 seconds
    /// Max number of simultaneous inflight requests we allow
    const MAX_INFLIGHT_REQUESTS: usize = 1_000;
    /// Interval at which we open new feeler connections
    const FEELER_INTERVAL: u64 = 30; // 30 seconds
    /// Interval at which we rearrange our addresses
    const ADDRESS_REARRANGE_INTERVAL: u64 = 60 * 60; // 1 hour
    /// How long we ban a peer for
    const BAN_TIME: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24;
    /// How often we check if we haven't missed a block
    const BLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL: u64 = 60 * 5; // 5 minutes
    /// How often we send our addresses to our peers
    const SEND_ADDRESSES_INTERVAL: u64 = 60 * 60; // 1 hour

    fn get_required_services(&self) -> ServiceFlags {

pub(crate) type PeerId = u32;

The get_required_services implementation defaults to returning ServiceFlags::NETWORK, meaning the node is capable of serving the complete blockchain to peers on the network. This is a placeholder implementation, and as we’ll see, each context will provide its own ServiceFlags based on its role. Similarly, the constants can be customized when implementing NodeContext for a specific type.

bitcoin::p2p::ServiceFlags is a fundamental type that represents the various services that nodes in the network can offer. Floresta extends this functionality by defining two additional service flags in floresta-common, which can be converted into the ServiceFlags type.

// Path: floresta-common/src/

/// Non-standard service flags that aren't in rust-bitcoin yet
pub mod service_flags {
    /// This peer supports UTREEXO messages
    pub const UTREEXO: u64 = 1 << 24;

    /// This peer supports UTREEXO filter messages
    pub const UTREEXO_FILTER: u64 = 1 << 25;

Finally, we find the PeerId type alias that will be used to give each peer a specific identifier. This is all the code in

Implementation Example

When we implement NodeContext for any meaningful type, we also implement the context-specific methods for UtreexoNode. Let's suppose we have a MyContext type:

// Example implementation for MyContext

impl NodeContext for MyContext {
    fn get_required_services(&self) -> bitcoin::p2p::ServiceFlags {
        // The node under MyContext can serve the whole blockchain as well
        // as segregated witness (SegWit) data to other peers
        ServiceFlags::WITNESS | ServiceFlags::NETWORK
    const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: u64 = 10 * 60; // 10 minutes

// The following `impl` block is only for `UtreexoNode`s that use MyContext
impl<Chain> UtreexoNode<MyContext, Chain>
    WireError: From<<Chain as BlockchainInterface>::Error>,
    Chain: BlockchainInterface + UpdatableChainstate + 'static,
    // Methods for UtreexoNode in MyContext

Since UtreexoNode<RunningNode, _>, UtreexoNode<SyncNode, _>, and UtreexoNode<ChainSelector, _> are all entirely different types (because Rust considers each generic parameter combination a separate type), we cannot mistakenly use methods that are not intended for a specific context.

The only shared functionality is that which is implemented generically for T: NodeContext, which all three contexts satisfy, located in p2p_wire/ (as we have seen in the previous section).

In the next sections within this chapter we will see some of these shared functions and methods implementations.