Transaction Validation
Let's now dive into Consensus::verify_block_transactions
, to see how we verify the transactions in a block. As we saw in the Block Validation section from last chapter, this function takes the height, the UTXOs to spend, the spending transactions, the current subsidy, the verify_script
boolean (which was only true when we are not in the Assume-Valid
range) and the validation flags.
// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/
pub fn validate_block_no_acc(
block: &Block,
height: u32,
inputs: HashMap<OutPoint, TxOut>,
) -> Result<(), BlockchainError> {
if !block.check_merkle_root() {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::BadMerkleRoot)?;
let bip34_height = self.chain_params().params.bip34_height;
// If bip34 is active, check that the encoded block height is correct
if height >= bip34_height && self.get_bip34_height(block) != Some(height) {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::BadBip34)?;
if !block.check_witness_commitment() {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::BadWitnessCommitment)?;
if block.weight().to_wu() > 4_000_000 {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::BlockTooBig)?;
// Validate block transactions
let subsidy = read_lock!(self).consensus.get_subsidy(height);
let verify_script = self.verify_script(height);
// ...
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoinconsensus")]
let flags = self.get_validation_flags(height, block.header.block_hash());
#[cfg(not(feature = "bitcoinconsensus"))]
let flags = 0;
Validation Flags
The validation flags were returned by get_validation_flags
based on the current height and block hash, and they are of type core::ffi::c_uint
: a foreign function interface type used for the C++ bindings.
// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/
// Omitted: impl<PersistedState: ChainStore> ChainState<PersistedState> {
fn get_validation_flags(&self, height: u32, hash: BlockHash) -> c_uint {
let chain_params = &read_lock!(self).consensus.parameters;
if let Some(flag) = chain_params.exceptions.get(&hash) {
return *flag;
// From Bitcoin Core:
// BIP16 didn't become active until Apr 1 2012 (on mainnet, and
// retroactively applied to testnet)
// However, only one historical block violated the P2SH rules (on both
// mainnet and testnet).
// Similarly, only one historical block violated the TAPROOT rules on
// mainnet.
// For simplicity, always leave P2SH+WITNESS+TAPROOT on except for the two
// violating blocks.
let mut flags = bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_P2SH | bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_WITNESS;
if height >= chain_params.params.bip65_height {
flags |= bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY;
if height >= chain_params.params.bip66_height {
flags |= bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_DERSIG;
if height >= chain_params.csv_activation_height {
flags |= bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY;
if height >= chain_params.segwit_activation_height {
flags |= bitcoinconsensus::VERIFY_NULLDUMMY;
The flags cover the following consensus rules added to Bitcoin over time:
- P2SH (BIP 16): Activated at height 173,805
- Enforce strict DER signatures (BIP 66): Activated at height 363,725
- CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (BIP 65): Activated at height 388,381
- CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY (BIP 112): Activated at height 419,328
- Segregated Witness (BIP 141) and Null Dummy (BIP 147): Activated at height 481,824
Verify Block Transactions
Now, the Consensus::verify_block_transactions
function has this body, which in turn calls Consensus::verify_transaction
Filename: pruned_utreexo/
// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/
// Omitted: impl Consensus {
/// Verify if all transactions in a block are valid. Here we check the following:
/// - The block must contain at least one transaction, and this transaction must be coinbase
/// - The first transaction in the block must be coinbase
/// - The coinbase transaction must have the correct value (subsidy + fees)
/// - The block must not create more coins than allowed
/// - All transactions must be valid:
/// - The transaction must not be coinbase (already checked)
/// - The transaction must not have duplicate inputs
/// - The transaction must not spend more coins than it claims in the inputs
/// - The transaction must have valid scripts
pub fn verify_block_transactions(
height: u32,
mut utxos: HashMap<OutPoint, TxOut>,
transactions: &[Transaction],
subsidy: u64,
verify_script: bool,
flags: c_uint,
) -> Result<(), BlockchainError> {
// Blocks must contain at least one transaction (i.e. the coinbase)
if transactions.is_empty() {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::EmptyBlock)?;
// Total block fees that the miner can claim in the coinbase
let mut fee = 0;
for (n, transaction) in transactions.iter().enumerate() {
if n == 0 {
if !transaction.is_coinbase() {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::FirstTxIsNotCoinbase)?;
// Check coinbase input and output script limits
// Skip next checks: coinbase input is exempt, coinbase reward checked later
// Actually verify the transaction
let (in_value, out_value) =
Self::verify_transaction(transaction, &mut utxos, verify_script, flags)?;
// Fee is the difference between inputs and outputs
fee += in_value - out_value;
// Check coinbase output values to ensure the miner isn't producing excess coins
let allowed_reward = fee + subsidy;
let coinbase_total: u64 = transactions[0]
.map(|out| out.value.to_sat())
if coinbase_total > allowed_reward {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::BadCoinbaseOutValue)?;
/// Verifies a single transaction. This function checks the following:
/// - The transaction doesn't spend more coins than it claims in the inputs
/// - The transaction doesn't create more coins than allowed
/// - The transaction has valid scripts
/// - The transaction doesn't have duplicate inputs (implicitly checked by the hashmap)
fn verify_transaction(
transaction: &Transaction,
utxos: &mut HashMap<OutPoint, TxOut>,
_verify_script: bool,
_flags: c_uint,
) -> Result<(u64, u64), BlockchainError> {
let txid = || transaction.compute_txid();
let out_value: u64 = transaction
.map(|out| out.value.to_sat())
let mut in_value = 0;
for input in transaction.input.iter() {
let txo = Self::get_utxo(input, utxos, txid)?;
in_value += txo.value.to_sat();
// Check script sizes (spent txo pubkey, and current tx scriptsig and TODO witness)
Self::validate_script_size(&txo.script_pubkey, || input.previous_output.txid)?;
Self::validate_script_size(&input.script_sig, txid)?;
// TODO check also witness script size
// Value in should be greater or equal to value out. Otherwise, inflation.
if out_value > in_value {
return Err(tx_err!(txid, NotEnoughMoney))?;
// Sanity check
if out_value > 21_000_000 * COIN_VALUE {
return Err(BlockValidationErrors::TooManyCoins)?;
// Verify the tx script
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoinconsensus")]
if _verify_script {
.verify_with_flags(|outpoint| utxos.remove(outpoint), _flags)
.map_err(|e| tx_err!(txid, ScriptValidationError, e.to_string()))?;
Ok((in_value, out_value))
In general the function behavior is well explained in the comments. Something to note is that we need the bitcoinconsensus
feature set in order to use verify_with_flags
, to verify the transaction scripts. If it's not set we won't perform script validation, so bitcoinconsensus
should probably be mandatory, not just opt-in.
We also don't validate if verify_script
is false, but this is because the Assume-Valid
process has already assessed the scripts as valid.
Note that these consensus checks are far from complete. More checks will be added in the short term, but once libbitcoinkernel
bindings are ready this function will instead use them.