The ChainStore Trait

ChainStore is a trait that abstracts the persistent storage layer for the Floresta ChainState backend.

To create a ChainState, we start by building its ChainStore implementation. We will see the required interface and then take a look at the provided KvChainStore.

ChainStore API

The methods required by ChainStore, designed for interaction with persistent storage, are:

  • save_roots / load_roots: Save or load the utreexo accumulator (merkle roots).
  • save_height / load_height: Save or load the current chain tip data.
  • save_header / get_header: Save or retrieve a block header by its BlockHash.
  • get_block_hash / update_block_index: Retrieve or associate a BlockHash with a chain height.
  • flush: Immediately persist saved data that is still in memory. This ensures data recovery in case of a crash.

In other words, the implementation of these methods should allow us to save and load:

  • The current accumulator (serialized as a Vec<u8>).
  • The current chain tip data (as BestChain).
  • Block headers (as DiskBlockHeader), associated to the block hash.
  • Block hashes (as BlockHash), associated to a height.

BestChain and DiskBlockHeader are important Floresta types that we will see in a minute. DiskBlockHeader represents stored block headers, while BestChain tracks the chain tip metadata.

With this data we have a pruned view of the blockchain, metadata about the chain we are in, and the compact UTXO set (the utreexo accumulator).

Figure 3: Diagram of the ChainStore trait.

ChainStore also has an associated Error type for the methods:

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

pub trait ChainStore {
    type Error: DatabaseError;

    fn save_roots(&self, roots: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    // ...
    fn load_roots(&self) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Self::Error>;
    fn load_height(&self) -> Result<Option<BestChain>, Self::Error>;
    fn save_height(&self, height: &BestChain) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    fn get_header(&self, block_hash: &BlockHash) -> Result<Option<DiskBlockHeader>, Self::Error>;
    fn save_header(&self, header: &DiskBlockHeader) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    fn get_block_hash(&self, height: u32) -> Result<Option<BlockHash>, Self::Error>;
    fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    fn update_block_index(&self, height: u32, hash: BlockHash) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

Hence, implementations of ChainStore are free to use any error type as long as it implements DatabaseError. This is just a marker trait that can be automatically implemented on any T: std::error::Error + std::fmt::Display. This flexibility allows compatibility with different database implementations.

Now, we’ll explore KvChainStore, Floresta’s default ChainStore implementation, to see how these methods are applied in practice.

The KvChainStore Type

KvChainStore is a struct built with kv, a lightweight crate that wraps the sled high-performance embedded database. From the kv crate description:

kv is a simple way to embed a key/value store in Rust applications. It is built using sled and aims to be as lightweight as possible while still providing a nice high level interface.

One of the main concepts in kv is the bucket, a collection of related key-value pairs. We use three buckets in KvChainStore:

  • index: Maps heights (K) to block hashes (V) for quick block hash lookups by height.
  • header: Maps block hashes (K) to block headers (V), enabling header retrieval by hash.
  • meta (the default bucket), where K is a string:
    • If K = "roots", the stored V is the utreexo accumulator.
    • If K = "height", the stored V is the best chain data.

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

pub struct KvChainStore<'a> {
    _store: Store,
    headers: Bucket<'a, Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
    index: Bucket<'a, Integer, Vec<u8>>,
    meta: Bucket<'a, &'a str, Vec<u8>>,
    headers_cache: RwLock<HashMap<BlockHash, DiskBlockHeader>>,
    index_cache: RwLock<HashMap<u32, BlockHash>>,

The first field holds the kv::Store itself, but it is not accessed directly; interaction with the database occurs through the buckets. We then find the headers, index and meta buckets, with serialized values.

Finally, headers_cache and index_cache are in-memory HashMaps, protected by locks for thread-safe reads/writes, to temporarily store header and index data before writing to disk.

KvChainStore Builder

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

impl<'a> KvChainStore<'a> {
    pub fn new(datadir: String) -> Result<KvChainStore<'a>, kv::Error> {
        // Configure the database
        let cfg = Config::new(datadir + "/chain_data").cache_capacity(100_000_000);

        // Open the key/value store
        let store = Store::new(cfg)?;

        Ok(KvChainStore {
            headers: store.bucket(Some("headers"))?,
            index: store.bucket(Some("index"))?,
            meta: store.bucket(None)?,
            _store: store,
            headers_cache: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
            index_cache: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),

The KvChainStore builder function initializes the store in datadir/chain_data and configures a 100 MB cache for the sled pagecache.

This cache reduces disk accesses by temporarily storing writes and retrieving frequently accessed data. However, this kv-specific cache is used exclusively for the meta bucket, as the index and headers buckets have their own HashMap cache.

Since KvChainStore uses kv::Error, we implement DatabaseError for it in pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

impl DatabaseError for kv::Error {}

Now, let's understand how we use the buckets and the HashMap caches.

ChainStore Trait Implementation

For the save_roots, load_roots, save_height and load_height methods, we directly use the meta bucket:

  • We call set on the bucket to keep the data in the sled cache, which is eventually written to disk.
  • We call get on the bucket to access data from the sled cache or directly read it from disk.

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

impl ChainStore for KvChainStore<'_> {
    type Error = kv::Error;
    fn load_roots(&self) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Self::Error> {

    fn save_roots(&self, roots: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        self.meta.set(&"roots", &roots)?;
    // ...
    fn load_height(&self) -> Result<Option<BestChain>, Self::Error> {
        let height = self.meta.get(&"height")?;
        if let Some(height) = height {
            return Ok(Some(deserialize(&height).unwrap()));
    fn save_height(&self, height: &BestChain) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        let height = serialize(height);
        self.meta.set(&"height", &height)?;
    fn get_header(&self, block_hash: &BlockHash) -> Result<Option<DiskBlockHeader>, Self::Error> {
        match {
            Some(header) => Ok(Some(*header)),
            None => {
                let block_hash = serialize(&block_hash);
                    .and_then(|b| deserialize(&b).ok()))
    fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // save all headers in batch
        let mut batch = Batch::new();
        for header in {
            let ser_header = serialize(header.1);
            let block_hash = serialize(&header.1.block_hash());
            batch.set(&block_hash, &ser_header)?;
        // save all index in batch
        let mut batch = Batch::new();
        for (height, hash) in {
            let ser_hash = serialize(hash);
            batch.set(&Integer::from(*height), &ser_hash)?;
        // Flush the header bucket
        // Flush the block index
        // Flush the default bucket with meta-info
    fn save_header(&self, header: &DiskBlockHeader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
            .insert(header.block_hash(), *header);
    fn get_block_hash(&self, height: u32) -> Result<Option<BlockHash>, Self::Error> {
        match {
            Some(hash) => Ok(Some(hash)),
            None => Ok(self
                .and_then(|b| deserialize(&b).ok())),
    fn update_block_index(&self, height: u32, hash: BlockHash) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        self.index_cache.write().insert(height, hash);

On the other hand:

  • The update_block_index and save_header methods do not use the buckets, rather they save the data on the index_cache and headers_cache HashMaps.
  • The get_block_hash and get_header methods first try to read data from the HashMap, and if not found ask the bucket for a disk read.
// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

impl ChainStore for KvChainStore<'_> {
    type Error = kv::Error;
    fn load_roots(&self) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Self::Error> {
    fn save_roots(&self, roots: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        self.meta.set(&"roots", &roots)?;
    fn load_height(&self) -> Result<Option<BestChain>, Self::Error> {
        let height = self.meta.get(&"height")?;
        if let Some(height) = height {
            return Ok(Some(deserialize(&height).unwrap()));
    fn save_height(&self, height: &BestChain) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        let height = serialize(height);
        self.meta.set(&"height", &height)?;
    fn get_header(&self, block_hash: &BlockHash) -> Result<Option<DiskBlockHeader>, Self::Error> {
        match {
            Some(header) => Ok(Some(*header)),
            None => {
                let block_hash = serialize(&block_hash);
                    .and_then(|b| deserialize(&b).ok()))
    fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // save all headers in batch
        let mut batch = Batch::new();
        for header in {
            let ser_header = serialize(header.1);
            let block_hash = serialize(&header.1.block_hash());
            batch.set(&block_hash, &ser_header)?;
        // save all index in batch
        let mut batch = Batch::new();
        for (height, hash) in {
            let ser_hash = serialize(hash);
            batch.set(&Integer::from(*height), &ser_hash)?;
        // Flush the header bucket
        // Flush the block index
        // Flush the default bucket with meta-info
    fn save_header(&self, header: &DiskBlockHeader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
            .insert(header.block_hash(), *header);
    // ...
    fn get_block_hash(&self, height: u32) -> Result<Option<BlockHash>, Self::Error> {
        match {
            // Found in the index_cache
            Some(hash) => Ok(Some(hash)),
            // Not found in the index_cache, so try to read from the index bucket
            None => Ok(self
                .and_then(|b| deserialize(&b).ok())),

    fn update_block_index(&self, height: u32, hash: BlockHash) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        self.index_cache.write().insert(height, hash);

Thus, the index_cache and headers_cache data must be written to disk later using the ChainStore::flush method. This method also ensures that any pending writes in the meta bucket are committed to disk.

And that's all for this section! Next we will see two important types whose data is saved in the ChainStore: BestChain and DiskBlockHeader.