BestChain and DiskBlockHeader

As previously mentioned, BestChain and DiskBlockHeader are Floresta types used for storing and retrieving data in the ChainStore database.


We use a custom DiskBlockHeader instead of the direct bitcoin::block::Header to add some metadata:

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

// BlockHeader is an alias for bitcoin::block::Header

pub enum DiskBlockHeader {
    FullyValid(BlockHeader, u32),
    AssumedValid(BlockHeader, u32),
    HeadersOnly(BlockHeader, u32),
    InFork(BlockHeader, u32),

DiskBlockHeader not only holds a header but also encodes possible block states, as well as the height when it makes sense.

When we start downloading headers in IBD we save them as HeadersOnly. If a header doesn't have a parent, it's saved as Orphan. If it's not in the best chain, InFork. And when we validate the actual blocks we should be able to mark the headers as FullyValid.

Also, we have AssumeValid for a configuration that allows the node to skip script validation, and InvalidChain for cases when UpdatableChainstate::invalidate_block is called.


The BestChain struct is an internal representation of the chain we are in and has the following fields:

  • best_block: The current best chain's last BlockHash (the actual block may or may not have been validated yet).
  • depth: The number of blocks pilled after the genesis block (i.e. the height of the tip).
  • validation_index: The BlockHash up to which we have validated the chain.
  • alternative_tips: A vector of fork tip BlockHashes with a chance of becoming the best chain.
  • assume_valid_index: Height occupied by the assume valid block (up to which we don't validate scripts).

Filename: pruned_utreexo/

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

pub struct BestChain {
    best_block: BlockHash,
    depth: u32,
    validation_index: BlockHash,
    alternative_tips: Vec<BlockHash>,
    assume_valid_index: u32,