Reorging the Chain

In the accept_header method we have seen that, when receiving a header that doesn't extend the best chain, we may reorg. This is done with the maybe_reorg method.

We have to choose between the two branches, represented by:

  • branch_tip: The last header from the alternative chain.
  • current_tip: The last header from the current best chain.
// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

fn maybe_reorg(&self, branch_tip: BlockHeader) -> Result<(), BlockchainError> {
    let current_tip = self.get_block_header(&self.get_best_block().unwrap().1)?;

    let current_work = self.get_branch_work(&current_tip)?;
    let new_work = self.get_branch_work(&branch_tip)?;
    // If the new branch has more work, it becomes the new best chain
    if new_work > current_work {
        return Ok(());
    // If the new branch has less work, we just store it as an alternative branch
    // that might become the best chain in the future.
    let parent_height = self.get_ancestor(&branch_tip)?.height().unwrap();
            parent_height + 1,

We first call the check_branch method to check if we know all the branch_tip ancestors. In other words, we check if branch_tip is indeed part of a branch, which requires that no ancestor is Orphan.

Then we get the work in each chain tip with get_branch_work and do the following:

  • We reorg to the branch_tip if it has more work, and return Ok early.
  • Else if branch_tip doesn't have more work we push its hash to best_block.alternative_tips via the push_alt_tip method and save the header as InFork.

The push_alt_tip method just checks if the branch_tip parent hash is in alternative_tips to remove it, as it's no longer the tip of the branch. Then we simply push the branch_tip hash.


Let's now dig into reorg logic, with reorg. We start by querying the best block hash and use it to query its header. Then we get the header where the branch forks out with find_fork_point.

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

fn reorg(&self, new_tip: BlockHeader) -> Result<(), BlockchainError> {
    let current_best_block = self.get_best_block().unwrap().1;
    let current_best_block = self.get_block_header(&current_best_block)?;
    let fork_point = self.find_fork_point(&new_tip)?;

    self.mark_chain_as_inactive(&current_best_block, fork_point.block_hash())?;
    self.mark_chain_as_active(&new_tip, fork_point.block_hash())?;

    let validation_index = self.get_last_valid_block(&new_tip)?;
    let depth = self.get_chain_depth(&new_tip)?;
    self.change_active_chain(&new_tip, validation_index, depth);


We use mark_chain_as_inactive and mark_chain_as_active to update the disk data (i.e. marking the previous InFork headers as HeadersOnly and vice versa, and linking the height indexes to the new branch block hashes).

Then we invoke get_last_valid_block and get_chain_depth to obtain said data from a branch, provided the branch header tip.

Note that we don't validate forks unless they become the best chain, so in this case the last validated block is the last common block between the two branches.

With this data we call change_active_chain to update the best_block field. It also re-initializes the accumulator as we will need to fetch the utreexo roots for the last common block to proceed with the new branch validation.

// Path: floresta-chain/src/pruned_utreexo/

fn change_active_chain(&self, new_tip: &BlockHeader, last_valid: BlockHash, depth: u32) {
    let mut inner = self.inner.write();
    inner.best_block.best_block = new_tip.block_hash();
    inner.best_block.validation_index = last_valid;
    inner.best_block.depth = depth;
    inner.acc = Stump::new();